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Workspace is not neutral: it influences the way of working, it shapes and reflects the way the company is organized, it is a vector of productivity and collaboration between employees. KLx values the design and comfort and of its campus and invested significantly in its renovation.
Inspiring and well thought office spaces are increasingly important as ways of working shifts towards agile and collaboration.
Workspace is not neutral: it influences the way of working, it shapes and reflects the way the company is organized, it is a vector of productivity and collaboration between employees.
KLx Campus located in Parque das Nações is distributed over one floor of the Zen Tower and eight floors of the Fernão Magalhães Tower (TFM). The brand new campus was designed with one of the top office architecture agency. It is composed of six storeys of open-plan offices, a catering floor as well as a floor entirely dedicated to meeting rooms and collaboration on the 11th.
An IT balcony is available on the 3rd floor, where new employees can collect their laptop, and drop in when they have IT issues. Employees have also access to two floors of parking space in the main building including 40 spots for electric cars.
As shown in a recent survey carried out by KLx HR department, KLxians are quite satisfied with our office spaces, as 89% of people consider themselves satisfied or very satisfied with our workspace.
After a few months of renovation, KLx canteen located on the 4th floor of the TFM building, recently opened to welcome Klxians. In a warm and relaxing setting, our teams can take advantage of this brand new and cosy space and enjoy the delicious meals offered by the Ponto restaurant at very competitive prices.
Dedicated to meetings, trainings, and interactions, the 11th of Fernão Magalhães Tour (TFM) is expanding and is now offering new spaces. Aware of the various forms that teamwork can take (presentations, situation points, brainstorming, workshops, training courses, etc.), KLx felt it was important to offer its employees infrastructures that met their needs. From this observation was born the project of the 11th floor.
This floor consists of 7 meeting rooms of different capacities, an amphitheater and a modular auditorium.
We hope that the 11th will be for all a place of interaction and common reflections, promoting teamwork and innovative ideas.